Four stages of AI-assisted software development

No, this article will not be about “denial, anger, bargaining, … etc.” Hmmm… that might be a good topic too, but I digress. Stage 1. Scripts in the ChatGPT window When it all started, I remember showing my friends how ChatGPT can write simple Python functions only by getting the function description in the chat window. The first reaction was, “Well, I don’t see any magic. I can do it myself without any AI!” ...

2025-03-02 · 11 min · 2285 words · Pavel Anni

Thoughts on the Metric System: An Immigrant’s Perspective

I’ve long intended to write about the comparison between the metric and American measurement systems. It’s a topic that periodically resurfaces in American discourse, often sparking passionate debates about tradition versus global standardization. It’s fascinating to reflect on how my own attitude towards this debate has evolved. When I first arrived in America, I had to adapt to these unfamiliar measurements, and I initially resisted. “What’s with all these illogical units?” I thought. It wasn’t even the individual measures that bothered me most — after all, what’s inherently wrong with an inch, and how is a centimeter radically better? No, it was the seeming lack of logic in the system as a whole that irked me. Why are there 12 inches in a foot but three feet in a yard? And then 16 ounces in a pound? It all seemed arbitrary and inexplicable. ...

2024-08-08 · 5 min · 1062 words · Pavel Anni

Machine learning with matchboxes

I made my first machine learning project when I was 12. I used 24 matchboxes, 55 (give or take) cherry pits, gouache paint, paper, scissors, glue, and colored pencils. That was all I needed to start working with machine learning in the 1980s. My dad gave me a book by Martin Gardner describing a simple game and a machine for playing it. He called the game Hexapawn because it used just six pawns on a 3x3 board. ...

2024-05-26 · 7 min · 1325 words · Pavel Anni